Volunteering is a powerful way to give back to the community. Not only does it benefit those in need, but it also provides personal and professional growth opportunities. Let’s explore some of the reasons why volunteering is so valuable:

Connecting with Others

  • Volunteering allows you to connect with your community and make it a better place. Even small tasks can make a real difference in the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need.
  • It’s a two-way street: Volunteering benefits you and your family as much as the cause you choose to support.
  • By dedicating your time as a volunteer, you can make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills.
  • Committing to shared activities together is one of the best ways to strengthen existing relationships and make new connections, especially if you’re new to an area.

Personal Growth and Accomplishment

  • Volunteering provides a sense of accomplishment. Knowing that you’ve made a positive impact on someone’s life or contributed to a cause can be incredibly fulfilling.
  • It’s an opportunity to practice and develop social skills, especially if you’re naturally shy or have a hard time meeting new people.
  • For families, volunteering together teaches children firsthand how their actions can make a difference and instills a sense of empathy and community responsibility

Professional Development

  • Volunteering enhances your skills and provides valuable experience for future job opportunities.
  • Whether you’re assisting with reception, doing office work, helping with events, or working with specific groups (such as youth or seniors), volunteering allows you to gain practical skills and build your resume.
  • Plus, volunteering demonstrates your commitment to community involvement, which can be attractive to potential employers.

Certificate of Recognition:

  • At Multicultural Helping House Society (MHHS), volunteers receive a certificate once they complete 40 hours of service.
  • This recognition not only acknowledges your efforts but also adds value to your personal and professional development.

If you’re interested in volunteering with MHHS, fill out the Volunteer Application Form:

Submission Options:

Electronic: Complete the form online.

In Person: Submit the form at the main office.

Email: Send the completed form to info@helpinghouse.org.

External link opens in new tab or windowVolunteer Application Form (electronic)Volunteer Application Form (electronic)

External link opens in new tab or windowVolunteer Application Form (Paper) Volunteer Application Form (Paper)

Your contribution will have a positive impact, and you’ll gain valuable experiences along the way!